Standing On A Cliff…Ready To Jump

Girl Standing On A Cliff Ready To Jump

Standing on a cliff…

Looking into the wide horizon that I see in front of me.

There is a huge huge huge sky that has no end. Birds flying in the sky heading to their homes. I wonder where my home is? Where my real destiny is.

There is a wide wide wide sea that has no end. The waves come and go back. I wonder if I can go back? If there is a way that I can still go back.

My mind is confused. Its fighting. Should I jump down this cliff into the never ending sky and the never ending sea or should I go back to what I have walked from.

No I can’t go back. No NO Nooo I can’t. I can’t go through that all over again. The road I have come from had stones and pricks and poison and wild animals. I walked bare foot from stones to pricks. I drank the poison silently and I was attacked by wild animals.

I can’t go back.

Yes I wont go back.

I will jump.

I will jump off this cliff and end all my confusions, agony and pains once and for all.

I take a deep breath….




I feel someone holding me and I turn around hoping it is the hand I wish it is.


There are so many hands holding me. Stopping me from falling. I look at every hand and try to find that hand I wish would hold me.

That hand isn’t there.

I feel sad.

Then I look at all the other hands holding me once again. So many hands. Some hands I am familiar with, yet there are so many hands that I did not even remember and they were all holding me. Stopping me from falling.

I turn around…


Walk back to where I came from….

Categories: Dark Feelings, Inspirational | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Standing On A Cliff…Ready To Jump

  1. hi my name is mehreen and i really like this and umm well my latest post is actually quit similar to this im not copying you or anything but umm just check it out if you have the time and please tell me what you think
    thank you

    • Hey Mehreen. Sorry for the delay in reply. I have been caught up in things as you can read in my latest post. Let me jump to your post. Something tells me I am going to love it 🙂

      Thanks for dropping by

  2. anonymousindian29

    Hi there 🙂 I came across your blog while searching for the same featured image you have there, for my post. Surprisingly, even my poem is based on the same story. I would love it if you could check it out.

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